AMC Sign

AMC Engine Colors When you restore your AMC vehicle be sure to paint the engine the correct color, this chart will give you the insight needed.

Larry Daum assembled the list of AMC engine paints:


Engine      Color                Year     Ditzler #/ DuPont #

327 OHV     Red                  64          70642 /
196 OHV     Silver (Alum)        61-64             / DEE-45

196 OHV     Red and Gray         61-63
Note: The 61-63 196 engines are believed to have used the L-head gray for
the block and the rampart red for the cylinder head.

196 Lhead   Gray                 56-65       31946 /
196 OHV     Lancelot Turq. Poly  64-66       12828 /

327 OHV     Rampart Red          64-66       71394 / 4541
Note: Two different sources give different coded for the 1964 Red on the
327 OHV.

287 OHV     Forum Blue Poly      63-64       12826 /
        * Editor's note: one source has said that the 287's for 65-66
                         went to Cape Cod Blue, like the 199's.  Anyone
                         know definitively which is correct?
199 OHV     Cape Code Blue       64-67       12675 / 4416
343 OHV     Copper               67          22867 /
290 OHV     Gold                 67          22866 /
232 OHV     Red                  67          71394 / 4541
ALL         Caravelle Blue n/met 68          13416 / 4936DH
ALL         Blue Poly METALLIC   69-73       13730 / see note

ALL         Engine Blue          74-82       14688 /

Note: There are at least four different paint mixtures for Blue Poly from
the original supplier Seymore Paint of Sycamore Illinois.

All         Black or unpainted   83 up


Notes : Ditzler paint codes use DQE pre fix on all paint codes for enamal
paint. AMC did not use high temp engine paint just straight enamel.

The change from Caravelle blue to Blue Poly may have taken place when AMC
lowered the compression on its engines for the EPA standards possibly in
the middle of 1972.

[editor's note: I think he might mean from blue poly metallic to Engine

Chris Weigant <crispy@netscape.comsent in this testimonial:  Anyone
needing engine paint for a 69-73 AMC, I highly recommend you get it from
fellow list member Ron Waters (addresses below).  Just got mine, and the
color is perfect.  Just a shade darker than the factory paint on the
engine, but that paint is slightly faded, so the new stuff should look
perfect!  Even though it says "AMC Blue" on the can, it's not the post-73
"AMC Blue" blue-green color, it's the correct turquoise color, and hi-temp
engine paint.  Just had to pass the word on for anyone who's interested.
Good price, too; $5.95 per can..

Contact info: WSC. Performance & Restoration Parts & Services;  Website:   or email:


Notes by Thomas Benvie <

290-401 Engine paint codes:

66: first year of 290 engine.  Only 625 cars had it, with 500 of them the
special yellow and black Rogue.  There was also 28 American Converts with
the 290: 25 auto, 3 4 spd (1-4 bbl, 2-2bbl.  I owned a 2 bbl, still local).
 The engine was gold color, Ditzler number 22866.

67: The 343 was intro'd in 67, and the 2 bbl was painted copper-#22867.
The 4 bbl was red, #71394.

68: saw the intro of the 390, and all V8s were now the same color:
Caravelle Blue (Same as the exterior color) #13416.

69-72: engines were painted Engine Blue, (close to Tahiti Torquoise) and is
# 13730.  This is the paint Seymor sells for AMC, AM-66.

73 and up: engine color changed to a lighter blue, and is also called
Engine Blue.  The # is 14688.

These are all Ditzler numbers.  I buy the paint at a body supply shop
(custom mixed) and paint my engine the same as painting a car.  As long as
the parts are clean and dry, it lasts forever.  Too hot you think?  Ever
feel the hood of a car in the desert sun?  The only part of the car that
hot is the exhaust manifolds  (Which are originally painted engine color.
They get the silvery finish in less than 200 miles of driving.  Think about
it-the engine is assembled, then painted as a unit-exhaust manifolds, bell
housing, smog tubes, spark plug shields, air cleaner stove pipe, etc.  The
carb, dist, water neck, are added later.)

Hope this helps.

-- end of Benvie's notes --
***************** Another engine color chart ***************
Editor: Marc Montoni

56-61	250 V8		gray		31946 / -----
61-64	196 OHV (alum)	Silver		----- / DEE-45
	Notes: natural block, steel parts
	painted the #45 Silver.

56-63	196 OHV		Red & Gray	----- / -----
	Note: The 61-63 196 engines are
	believed to have used the L-head
	gray for the block and the Rampart
	Red #71394) for the cylinder head.

	Note: Frank Swygert thinks the
	Red was #70642, and that the
	grey/red combo was only from
	"early ones" (56-60??) but that
	later ones were all Red (70642)
	all over.  Anyone know who's
56-65	196 Lhead	Gray		31946 / -----
64-65	196 OHV		Lancelot   	12828 / -----
			Turq. Poly

	Note: Frank Swygert reports this
	paint code 1289 / DP 4547.  I
	think his Ditzler number is
	wrong as they're usually found
	as 5-digit codes.  Anyone know
	if his DuPont number is right?

56-63	327		Red		79642 / -----

	Note:  I'm not sure the above
	mix code is correct.  Larry
	Daum says the 64 paint code
	is 70642 (notice the
	similarity in digits); but
	Frank Swygert says 64 went
	to Rampart Red #71394.  I
	think someone transposed
	digits, but which?
64	327 		Red		70642 / -----
	(early production??)
	see notes in previous record...
64-66	327 		Rampart Red	71394 / 4541
	Note: Two different sources give
	different codes for the 1964 Red
	on the 327 OHV.
	see notes in previous record...
63-66	287		Forum Blue Poly	12826 / -----
	Note: one source says the
	287's for 65-66 went to Cape
	Cod Blue, like the 199's.
	Anyone know for sure which
	is correct?

	Frank Swygert says the DuPont
	number for Forum Blue (a
	dark blue) is DP4543.
64-67	199		Cape Code Blue	12675 / 4416
67	343 2 bbl	Copper		22867 / -----
67	343 4 bbl	Red		71394 / -----
66-67	290		Gold		22866 /
	NOTES from Tom Benvie: first year of 290
	engine.  Only 625 cars had it, with 500
	of them the special yellow and black
	Rogue.  There was also 28 American
	Converts with the 290: 25 auto, 3 were
	4 spd (1-4 bbl, 2-2bbl.  I owned a 2
	bbl, still local).
67	232 		Rampart Red	71394 / 4541
68	ALL		Caravelle	13416 / 4936DH
			Blue nonmetallic
	NOTES from Tom Benvie: This
	Caravelle Blue was the same
	as the exterior color offered
	the same year.
69-72	ALL		Engine Blue	13730 / -----
			(type 1)

	NOTES from Tom Benvie: This Engine
	Blue is close to Tahiti Torquoise;
	and is also known as Blue Poly Metallic.
	This is the paint Seymor sells for
	AMC, Seymour part # AM-66.

	NOTES from Larry DauM:  There
	are at least four different
	paint mixtures for "Blue Poly"
	from the original supplier
	Seymore Paint of Sycamore Illinois.

	NOTE:  Frank Swygert has posted
	info which does not agree with
	the Benvie/Daum data, above.
	Swygert says AMC used Alamosa
	Aqua (DP 5061), a metallic, for
	69-70; and then went to Alamosa
	Aqua *nonmetallic* from 71-up.
	I believe the Benvie/Daum data
	is correct.
73-82	ALL		Engine Blue	14688 /
			(type 2)

	NOTES from Tom Benvie: This Engine
	Blue is a lighter shade than the type 1.
83-87	ALL		Black or unpainted


Notes :

1.  DAUM: Ditzler paint codes use DQE pre fix on all paint codes for enamal

2.  DAUM: AMC did not use high temp engine paint just straight
enamel.  BENVIE: "I buy the paint at a body supply shop (custom mixed) and
paint my engine the same as painting a car.  As long as the parts are clean
and dry, it lasts forever.  Too hot you think?  Ever feel the hood of a car
in the desert sun?  The only part of the car that hot is the exhaust
manifolds (which are originally painted engine color.  They get the silvery
finish in less than 200 miles of driving.  Think about it-the engine is
assembled, then painted as a unit-exhaust manifolds, bell housing, smog
tubes, spark plug shields, air cleaner stove pipe, etc.  The carb, dist,
water neck, are added later.))"

3.  DAUM: The change from Engine Blue type 1 to Engine Blue type 2 may have
taken place when AMC lowered the compression on its engines for the EPA
standards possibly in the middle of 1972.

4.  CHRIS WEIGANT <> sent in this testimonial:  "Anyone
needing engine paint for a 69-73 AMC, I highly recommend you get it from
fellow list member Ron Waters (addresses below).  Just got mine, and the
color is perfect.  Just a shade darker than the factory paint on the
engine, but that paint is slightly faded, so the new stuff should look
perfect!  Even though it says "AMC Blue" on the can, it's not the post-73
"AMC Blue" blue-green color, it's the correct turquoise color, and hi-temp
engine paint.  Just had to pass the word on for anyone who's interested.
Good price, too; $5.95 per can.  Contact info: WSC. Performance &
Restoration Parts & Services;  Website: or
email:  <> ."



1.  Larry Daum <> assembled the initial list of AMC
engine paints in 97 or 98, and posted it to the AMC-List.

2.  Tom Benvie has also contributed to this list in its current form.

3.  Frank Swygert has created engine paint lists of his own.  His data
doesn't always agree with that provided by Benvie and Daum, but it is
mostly incorporated in this table as well, with areas of disagreement noted
where known.


[Anyone who wishes to republish this info may do so to their heart's
content.  However, you may not copyright this specific composition, as I
hereby release it to the public domain forever and for all time.  Language
specifically noted as direct quotation belongs to the authors attributed
and is not affected by this disclaimer.]