AMC Sign

AMC Engine Head Casting Numbers Head casting numbers will let you identify what kind/where a head came from. This is information widely available on the internet and not of my own research.


(Compiled by Clark Rempel; as reprinted in the April, 1998 Alamo AMC News)
Here's the complete head casting number list (1966 through 1979) as detailed by the November 12/79 NHRA Tech Bulletin AM-02-IN-485:

Year Displacement Casting #
1966: 199/232 3170717
287/327 3180915
1967: 199/232 3170717
290 3178453
343 3188558
1968: 199/232 3189886
290 3178453
343/390 3188558
1969: 199/232 3189886
290 3178453
343 3188558
390 3188558
390 Machine 3188558 or 3196291
1970: 199/232 3189886
304 3199517
360/390 3196291
1971: 232/258 3211040
304 3212990
360/401 (Early) 3196291
360/401 (Late) 3212993
1972: 232/258 3213809
304 (Early) 3212990
304 (Late) 3213947
360/401 3213948
1973: 232/258 3213809
304 3216086
360/401 3216090
1974: 232/258 3213809 or 3222652
304 3216086
360/401 3220502
1975: 232/258 3224491
304 3220515
360 3220503
1976: 232/258 Casting # Unknown
304 3220515
360 3220503
1977: 232/258 3217259
304 3220515
360 3220503
1978: Casting numbers not received from AMC
1979: 232/258 3227258
304 3233324

I cannot attest to the lists complete accuracy--it appears to be a fairly
comprehensive list submitted to the NHRA by AMC for Super Stock tech

Clark Rempel


And this compilation by David Crooks: <>

Engine Year Volume Valve Valve Exhaust Rocker Casting
Size cc Intake Exhaust Port Type Style Number
290 66-68 54.43 1.787 1.406 Rectangular Pivot 3178453
290 69 52.2 1.787 1.406 Rectangular Pivot 3178453
304 70 52.2 1.787 1.406 Dog-Leg Pivot 3199517
304 71Early 52.2 1.787 1.406 Dog-Leg Pivot 3199517
304 71Late 58.92 1.787 1.406 Dog-Leg Pivot 3212990
304 72Early 58.92 1.787 1.406 Dog-Leg Pivot 3212990
304 72Late 58.92 1.787 1.406 Dog-Leg Pivot 3213947
304 73 58.92 1.787 1.406 Dog-Leg Pivot 3216086
304 74 58.92 1.787 1.406 Dog-Leg Bridged 3216086
304 75-77 58.92 1.787 1.406 Dog-Leg Bridged 322515
304 79-81 58.92 1.787 1.406 Dog-Leg Bridged 3233324
304 ? 58.92 1.787 1.406 Dog-Leg Bridged 4487242
343 67-68 52.89 2.025 1.625 Rectangular Pivot 3188558
343 69 50.6 2.025 1.625 Rectangular Pivot 3188558
360 70Early 50.6 2.025 1.625 Dog-Leg Pivot 3196291
360 70Late 50.6 2.025 1.68 Dog-Leg Pivot 3196291
360 71Early 50.6 2.025 1.68 Dog-Leg Pivot 3196291
360 71Late 57.92 2.025 1.68 Dog-Leg Pivot 3212993
360 72 57.92 2.025 1.68 Dog-Leg Pivot 3213948
360 73 57.92 2.025 1.68 Dog-Leg Pivot 3216090
360 74 57.92 2.025 1.68 Dog-Leg Bridged 322502
360 75-77 57.92 2.025 1.68 Dog-Leg Bridged 322503
360 78? 57.92 2.025 1.68 Dog-Leg Bridged 3231475
360 79-84? 57.92 2.025 1.68 Dog-Leg Bridged 3233344
390 68-69 50.6 2.025 1.625 Rectangular Pivot 3188558
390 69SS/AMX 58 2.080 1.74 Rectangular Pivot 3188558
390 70Machine 50.6 2.025 1.68 Dog-Leg Pivot 3196291
390 70Early 50.6 2.025 1.625 Dog-Leg Pivot 3196291
390 70Late 50.6 2.025 1.68 Dog-Leg Pivot 3196291
401 71Early 50.6 2.025 1.68 Dog-Leg Pivot 3196291
401 71Late 57.92 2.025 1.68 Dog-Leg Pivot 3212993
401 72 57.92 2.025 1.68 Dog-Leg Pivot 3213948
401 73 57.92 2.025 1.68 Dog-Leg Pivot 3216090
401 74 57.92 2.025 1.68 Dog-Leg Bridged 322502

--All Rectangular Exhaust Port Heads use 7/16 inch Head Bolts.
--All Dog Leg Exhaust Port Heads use 1/2 inch Head Bolts and move the two
inner intake manifold bolt holes closer together.
--Pivot Rocker Design Heads use a hemi-spherical shaped washer on a 7/16
--"Bridged Rocker Design Heads use a half-cylinder shaped washer, with a
bridge for alignment, on a 3/8 inch bolt."